Thursday, September 26, 2013

     My mother just "informed" me that she's stopping her blood pressure medicine, WHAT?!! BREATHE, KAREN....Like I need THIS right now while I'm watching her jugular beat out the side of her neck (not good). Right now I'm trying to take care of my health needs like doctors, meds, supplies etc.... But, okay. It's OKAY....I can deal. Another deep breath! She's my mom and we, along with the docs will work on this.

      She doesn't understand why she's on it anyway her blood pressure is just "FINE!" Plus she says it's messing up her sleep.(She didn't sleep 'til 3am and then only to 5am-Sounds like my night the night before) BREATHE....OKAY. Tomorrow we go in to get a PT blood test for the blood thinner and we can then talk to the doc about her sleep problems and meds.

      Right now I'm on the phone waiting to refill my feeding tube supplies, formula, bags etc....There was, how can I put it, an insurance v. supplier problem with prior authorization from the doctor and payment. I've been on this same stuff for 19 years!!! BREATHE again....What a pain! But nothing new. Yeah our great medical system (don't get me started).

      Mom is a zombie today and I'm practicing my deep breathing. I think I'll listen to some "One Direction" and dance!!! (I know, I know, but they're all sooo damn cute!!) Later....(HI! Rich! LUV YA BABE!)

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