Saturday, September 28, 2013

     Thank God it's the weekend!! Yesterday my sis mom and I went for massages for my b'day. It was awesome!! But when we got home a meds situation came up. My mom still refused to take her blood pressure meds and I called the on call doc and he said she could stop taking them 'til Monday. That's all I needed was a doc, who didn't know her case to say that, but fine, I can't rescue my mom everytime. She's pretty stubborn and so am I. Of course we forgot to ask her doc, in the am about it, but when it came up offices were closed.

     Then there was the deal with her water pills. The pharmacy (won't mention the wonderful pharmacies' name....BIG chain) wouldn't dispense the one med my mom needed cuz the docs instructions weren't clear. The am doc told the assistant to write directions on the back of an appointment card so I told pharmy this and she said fine bring it in. Then my mom balked and said she didn't need it right then??! She then tells me she had some left over!! I tell you I was ready to pull some hair out!! Stress...BREATHE!!! I went to my room and closed the door. Now I'm going to need the blood pressure meds!!! Anyway, these situations always happen on the weekend after hours!! BREATHE!!!

      My mom is now running around with an outdated pill book in hand. Man... I remember back in "my day" I too clung to pill and medical books. Haven't now for a very long time. It just messes one up. It's good to be informed but there is such thing as overdoing it. Also, one should always go to the doc's with a list written down so nothing is forgotten, especially when the weekend is looming.

     My health is suffering a bit but I'll survive, I think?!! My sis has invited two of her closest friends over for dinner tonite. One is a pharmacist and the other a pharm tech. My mom doesn't want to budge until she talks to them about her meds?!! Yeah that'll be good?!! I'm going to take a mental break by riding my'll feel good!! Listen to some tunes and ride!!!

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