Saturday, October 5, 2013

     Something told me not to bring it up, but I said to mom, "I remember when I was on a blood thinner I had this huge bruise on the outside of my foot. The doc saw it and immediately took me off of it." She stared at me, "Now why would you go and tell me that?!" I tried to backtrack and explain my comment but it was too late, now I would have to contend with her trying to stop taking them again. Oh man why did I say that knowing full well she would react that way. Open mouth, insert foot!  To her bleeding out was worse than a stroke! I shut up and looked away and tried to change the subject to no avail. Damage was done. Now that I think of it I haven't asked her about her blood thinning med lately, maybe I should make sure she's still taking it, man....

     Things have been "quiet" for both of us lately healthwise, which is a good thing as long as both of us are taking and doing what we should. There are slip ups every now and again, but isn't there in every aspect of "normal" living?! "Normal!" That would be nice to have on the slippery slope of chronic illness, "sure footing" so to speak. But alas that usually doesn't last very long. There's always a slip up or flare up to keep things a bit shaky at times. More times than not. Whether it be by the patient themselves or careworker or by the illness itself.

     My mom is terrified of everything pertaining to illness but I was too in the very beginning and for the formative years of my disability. One was afraid to even sneeze in the wrong way as if it could bring on dire consequences of the unknown. Well, it's late and I'm tired so this'll be a short speech. No news is good news (sorry for all the clichés) as they say. Actually there's always a lot to say when it comes to ones health or lack thereof, but not today or tonight.

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